Tuesday, 30 April 2019

How to Use Customer Data More Effectively

Data remains a hot topic among consumers and companies alike. While the former have become keenly aware of their privacy being violated ever since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the latter certainly didn’t remain unaffected by data mismanagement.When it comes to B2B companies, there wasn’t only the issue of adjusting to lead nurturing after the introduction of GDPR, but many are still struggling to find the best way to leverage customer data. In fact, a study published in May 2018 shows from a poll of 500 B2B professionals that only 52% relied on data to make marketing decisions. An alarmingly large percentage of B2B companies is still relying on gut instinct instead of customer data when making business decisions.

This approach is obviously untenable, as the shifting B2B marketplace reveals a more customer-centric landscape. As in B2C customer relationships, the B2B customer is also empowered by the awareness that they can easily take their business elsewhere if a company isn’t able to meet – or even exceed – their needs. To help you make better use of customer data and maximize its potential as a B2B enterprise, we’ve rounded up these 4 crucial tips.

Use a CRM system to offer a personalized customer experience

Companies from the B2C sector have long been using data to provide their customers with personalized shopping experiences, while the B2B sector barely scratched the surface. However, as the B2B market grows increasingly competitive, more and more companies are admitting the value of data-driven personalization to generate leads, boost sales, and encourage repeat business. With the widespread usage of CRM solutions, the customer experience within the B2B sector is being redefined.
Using customer data acquired through any given channel (from email to phone conversations), companies are now able to provide a more personalized buyer’s journey through every stage of the cycle. That’s why CRM is far more than contact management. Using a CRM system will help you create a successful customer experience strategy, where you can time your offers ideally and tailor them to suit the particular needs of each client. This includes personalizing your marketing content, streamlining the lead management process, and using all available customer information (such as interactions and buying history) to provide a frictionless customer experience.
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