Sunday, 30 June 2019

4 Web Design Tips that your Web Designer Won’t Know About

We live in an era where much of the communication and business has moved to the internet, and having a good website has never been as important as it is today. Design of your website is as important as the content on the website. No matter how good the content on a website is, if it is not appealing and easy to use it will drive people away.

If you haven’t heard of the golden ratio you have certainly encountered it. It is present all around us in nature, art, architecture, and design. Even your face follows the proportions of the golden ratio, so what is it and why is it important?
The golden ratio is a mathematical term used to describe the ratio of the two numbers which is the same as the ratio of the sum of the two and the larger of the numbers. When things in nature, art, and design follow the proportions of the golden ratio it provides a sense of harmony and is naturally appealing to the human eye.

It has been used for thousands of years. The Pyramids in Giza are built in proportions of the golden ratio. Leonardo Da Vinci used the golden ratio in his art, including the Mona Lisa. Google uses the golden ratio in its logo, other symbols, and search page layout.

Once you know about the golden ratio it is not hard to implement it on your website. Considering the appeal it adds to your website, you really should use it. It’s a simple improvement but still an improvement that could have a significant impact.

The greatest artists in history and biggest companies of the world today haven’t ignored the golden ratio, and neither should you!

Overlapping is a term used to describe a design in which one of the elements covers a part of the other. This is another element that is easy to implement and could make a significant impact on your website.

When someone lands on your site, you will want them to focus on certain parts of your website more. If those parts are overlapping with other elements of your site, their attention will be more naturally drawn to it.

If you want to make those elements stand out even more, you can use contrast in combination with overlapping. This combination of overlapping and contrast is another design trick you encounter on daily basis, but not many websites use it. You can see it on your mobile phone and Facebook page when you have a new notification. A circle on the edge of the application icon will overlap with the icon and draw attention to the app. If the notification and app icon didn’t use overlapping and contrast, the notification would be much harder to notice.

Using this simple trick will help you lead your website’s visitors to the parts that really matter, and given the simplicity of implementing such a design, you should use it on the parts wherever and whenever it makes sense.

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